Sunday 8 September 2013

Relation of Astronomy to Greek Stories

Has anyone ever noticed that the stars and planets are all related to Greek mythology. For example lets take Orion's belt. The stories say that Orion liked the maiden goddess Artemis and she liked him back. When her brother found out he turned Orion into a bear and tricked Artemis to hunt him. Artemis killed Orion, when she realized Orion was the bear she made him into a star.

The star Andromeda was named after the story of Andromeda. Andromeda’s mother Cassiopeia boasted that her daughter was more beautiful than the Nerieds. To punish the queen for her arrogance, Poseidon, brother to Zeus and god of the sea, sent a sea monster named Cetus to ravage the coast of Aethiopia including the kingdom of the vain queen. The desperate king consulted the Oracle of Apollo, who announced that no respite would be found until the king sacrificed his daughter, Andromeda, to the monster. Perseus was returning from having slain the Medusa. After he happened upon the chained Andromeda, he approached Cetus while invisible (for he was wearing Hades's helm), and killed the sea monster. He set Andromeda free, and married her.

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