Wednesday 20 November 2013

Doomed European Satellite

The recent news is that a doomed European satellite is about to hit earth very soon.  The European Space Agency says that one of its research satellites that ran out of fuel will most likely crash to Earth into the ocean.

The agency said Sunday the crash is expected to occur between 6:30 at Sunday or 12:30 on Monday."with a very high probability, a re-entry over Europe can be excluded

."Spokeswoman Jocelyn Landeau said the satellite, GOCE, will mostly disintegrate as it comes down and "we will have only a few pieces which could be 90 kilograms at the most."

NASA is telling everyone to not worry because it is more likely to win the lottery 250,000 times in a row than get hit by any part of the satellite debris. This satellite had survived for triple of the time expected for it to survive

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